Friday, July 31, 2009
Guess who I got to meet?

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Houston Grand Opera
I'm so excited because two of our favorites are going to be in this season's line up. I'm so thrilled about seeing Tosca and Xerxes. I'm a big fan of Tosca; Xerxes sounds like a romantic mess to me. Tosca has more of an interesting synopsis and has beautiful music. You know the newest Bond movie, Quantom of Solace, Bond is at the opera listening the plan unfold by the political evil villains. They were watching, Tosca !!! Just a little tidbit of information for you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
What to do with my hair?
1.) Jessica Alba ~ I like her bangs. I also like the length of her hair.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I was raised on the typical American diet of household meatloaf, mash potatoes, and casserole dinners. It wasn't until I was out of the house and in my twenties that I began experiencing a new world of cuisine. I began to take a new approach in foods that I had never had the opportunity of eating before. I was excited to travel across country and foreign lands to see new dishes I didn't even know existed. But it wasn't until I married and moved to New Orleans that I began dabbling in spices and herbs. Now you can't get me out of the kitchen. The key in becoming a fantastic cook; know your spices and herbs. Once you know your spices and herbs you can create all sorts of favorable dishes. I'm beginning to make my own wine and white sauces at the moment. I just created my very own recipe for a rosemary pot roast and a divine Chardonnay sauce. It's one of my hubby's new favorites.
Last night I prepared a Mediterranean fish dinner that was out of this world. Anything worth cooking has to be preplanned. So, I had my fish marinating in spices and a lovely sea salt. The salt I used to prepare my fish was called, ALAEA. I mix it with my spices and use it as a rub. FANTASTIC!!! The salt really helps trap the favorable juices when baking.
I also use salts on the BBQ. My husband grilled the most delicious steaks last week. We used the truffle salt from Dean & Deluca. They also have a outstanding truffle BBQ sauce too. Ah, the wonderful world of salts. I noticed that Williams-Sonoma carries some sea salts and flavored salts as well. But I'm a huge Dean & Deluca fan myself.

Truffle Salt & BBQ Sauce

Saturday, July 18, 2009
San Antonio
My friend and her sister are both prego!!! She's having a boy and her sister a girl. They will be only 6 weeks apart. You can imagine how thrilled her parents are right now. They decided to combine showers in San Antonio considering that one lives in Austin and the other in Houston. Jan hosted the shower at her beautiful home over looking the city. The views are out of this world! It's a mission style home and absolutely gorgeous. We were very pampered with champagne, wine, wait staff and all.
The guys spent the afternoon at my friend's parents house. They hired a tennis pro to help them with their game. Our husband's were exhausted by the time we returned. The pro really worked them over on the court but my husband's backhand has already improved considerably. Yikes, I better watch out!
It was a great day and we had such a fantastic time visiting everyone. I wish we could have stayed a bit longer but we had to return home this evening. Hubby has a huge meeting on Monday morning he has to prepare for. However, the small trip was worth it to share in the excitement of the new babies. Her dad has added a small play ground (no joke) in his huge backyard (an acre lot). It's a true play ground with teeter taughters, swings, and the works. He's so cute and will be a fantastic grandfather.
True San Antonio festive wreath
The theme, "Two Peas in the Pod." Here's the adorable invitation greeting the guest's in the entry way.
Instead of cake they ordered large petit fours...they were scrumptious!
We had a beautiful luncheon; chicken salad, fruit, asparagus with a cheese sauce, wonderful cheese platter with crackers, and biscuits. His and Her gift piles....They received so many adorable gifts!!!
Jan and Linda who hosted the double baby shower. They did a fabulous job!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
New placemats

We have the alligator silver serving collection. Check out the crab bowl I found. I think it would be cool to have alligator and crabs. Now if I can only find classy silver crawfish serving pieces. That would be so great. How I love unique things.....

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Old pic's
Here's a couple other old photos I found ~ Come stroll with me down memory lane....
This is when my husband was working in the Emergency Room. This was taken right before he completed Grad School.
This was taken in Paris. I remember we went in March and it was freezing. It was my hubby's birthday that day. We went to the Louvre and just a few feet from the exit was a great flea market. I picked up a ton of trinkets for my friends back home. That was a great trip.
Here's me at the D-Day Museum in New Orleans. If y'all are ever in the area it's worth seeing. We love going to museums (it's always a nice cool way to get out of the heat). Christmas time in New Orleans!!! I miss living NOLA sooo much!!!
That's hubby being so cool at NASA. That day was the hottest and humid day of my life. And we lived in New Orleans so that should tell you something. It's a toss on humid days between Houston/New Orleans.
Me at the HOB (House of Blues) in New Orleans. We attended the Gospel Blues Brunch. It was so much fun. They serve the best bread pudd'n....Yum!!!
Thanks for coming down memory lane with me. You can see how much my hair has changed over the years. Some of those hair styles, yikes!!! I have another folder I've kept of just pictures from when we lived in Austin. I'll share those another time. Have a great weekend....
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Serving pieces

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Olive Oil
Did you know that the first California vineyard was planted at Mission San Diego in the 1700's? They say the Spanish Mission System is highly responsible for the wine origin in California. Father Juniper Serra is called, "Father of California Wine." The grapes he used to plant have become well known and often referred to as the "Mission Grape." The vines were transported from Europe (mostly Spain) and were planted in Los Angeles. The climate/region is very similar to those back in Spain and France. A man named, Agoston, went on to plant vines all over Northern California evolving what we call today the "Wine Country."
Now a lot of tourists from all over the world come to the wine country to taste the wine. Little do they realize they are also in olive country. Olive oil is often considered, "liquid gold." It's been used for many things from lamps, skincare, cooking, etc. and has been dated back over 2,000 years ago in the bible. Did you know that California makes up for 95% of all Olive Oil in the U.S.? Not very people realize this.
I'm a huge olive oil fan. I cook with it, use it on my skin, buy olive oil soap, and indulge myself with with bread and vinegar. During the time that the grapes vines were being planted so were the olive trees. Spain also brought over the olive trees. Makes perfect sense considering that they were shipping the grape vines at the time. All I have to say is, Thank you, Spain!!! California Olive Oil is known for some of the best oil in the world. You can visit some of the olive tasting rooms just as you can wine.
Here are some of my favorites. I love these brands so much that I have them ship bottles out to Texas for me. I thought I'd share my little secret with y'all.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Beach theme
While I was shopping online I came across two really cute websites. I love the beach and beach theme homes.
Adorable linens
This looks like something I'd see in Coastal Living Magazine. It's beautiful towel holder and would definitely be a conversational peice in kitchen.

Does anyone else love napkin rings? I think you can really spruce up any table with them. They have a great selection that's affordable at World Market & Pier 1. And they make great gifts too. I love the turtle and starfish.

I'm in love with these plates.
Isn't this a cool beach tote?

Thursday, July 2, 2009
We fought and died at the Alamo. We had our sugar plantations burned to the ground during the Civil War. My great grandfather survived the trenches of the Battle of the Bulge during WWI, had a great uncle that was killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor WWII, my great uncle survived as a POW the Japanese Bataan Death March (over 60 miles of torture), another great uncle flew fighter jets during WWII and became a 4 Star General. He retired from the Pentagon back in the mid 80's, my grandfather fought in Korea on a battleship, and my father was shot and survived Vietnam.
Independence Day is a time to remember my family who fought and served so I could have freedom. I never want to make this holiday all about BBQ and fireworks. I always want to keep the memory alive of what the past generations have sacrificed for me today. It's my responsibility to teach the future generations about our nation's (family) history. Thank you for all who have served this great nation. God Bless!